My name is Duc Dö.
I work in the field of innovation, emerging technologies and enterprise architecture.
I also write, run, photograph, play music and raise young children.
These are my latest projects:

B-ME holistic run coaching and meditation program, designed by Vipassana+Tantra meditation practitioner and Athletics Australia certified Level 2 Running Coach. B-ME helps you face challenges in life and run 100 milers to 200 milers, 24/48-hour/6-day racing, last one standings. Let me help you finish that long race you’ve always wanted to and embrace life totally.

Hương Bưởi và Xác Pháo (in Vietnamese only), 2020.
Synopsis (Tóm Tắt)
Get it now or read sample on Apple Books.
Audio and Print available in 2021.
Explore my writing.

First attempt to run 1,000kms non-stop along the Goldsteig trail in Europe (20,000m+ vert), 2021 covid postponed. Attempting the Triple Crown Downunder in 2023.
Follow and read about my endurance running journey & events.

“That Wanaka Tree” © Duc Do, featured on LensCulture Journeys Gallery, 2020.
View my galleries.