Spirituality Wanderlust

An ex-Gurkha and an ex-Sherpa

Two of the remarkable people I met on the road. 

On the left, he was nearly 80 years old, ex-Gurkha. Starting at the same time as us, he ran up a mountain carrying a 30kg load, whilst each of us laboured with only ~7kg on our back. By the time we got to camp, he had already cooked us all a delicious meal. Quiet man, didn’t say a word, but his eyes told the story.

On the right, ex-Sherpa. Tough as teak, soft as “sheep from the gods” clouds, humble as the earth. We became friends after a couple of treks. Today marks 4 years the day we last met, and a bit over 2 years since he passed away. Miss you, my friend!

Nepalese Himalayas, 2012